- Were you asked to tea?' she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot. “有人邀请你喝茶了吗?”她问,随即将围裙系到她整洁的黑色外衣上,取出一勺子茶叶放到壶中。
- 'Were you asked to tea?' she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock,standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot. “有人邀请你喝茶了吗?”她问,随即将围裙系到她整洁的黑色外衣上,取出一勺子茶叶放到壶中。
- ‘Were you asked to tea?‘ she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot. 有人邀请你喝茶了吗?她问,随即将围裙系到她整洁的黑色外衣上,取出一勺子茶叶放到壶中。
- IGN: So I take it you're not much of a gamer!Were you asked to play the game before you recorded your scenes? IGN: 你已经从一个主要做科幻小说展示的表演到专注于从事科幻游戏的演出的过渡,为什么做这样的选择呢?
- Do you ask to return the part test fee? 是否要求退款返还?
- Questioner: Are you asking us to stop thought? 提问者:你是在让我们停止思想吗?
- Were you surprised when you were asked to join the cast of Star Wars? 当你被邀请加入《星战》剧组时,你是否很惊讶?
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen. 他们会要你提供血样。
- What are you asking for this set of drinkware ? 这套饮具你要卖多少钱?
- You will be asked to present yourself for interview. 将要求你到场面试。
- How much are you asking for this set of drinkware? 这套饮具你要卖多少钱?
- Museum expert Lu Jiansong has been asked to conceive, design and plan more than 25 of them, with themes ranging from aerospace to tea leaves. 博物馆专家陆建松曾被要求构思、设计和规划其中的25家博物馆,主题从航天到茶叶,不一而足。
- How much are you asking for this brand of ties? 这种牌子的领带贵方报价是多少?
- If you happen to be in town, would you ask about it? 你要是有机会进城,可否问问这事?
- How much are you asking per box? 你要多少钱一盒?
- Are you asking me where my co-host is? 您问我的搭档上哪儿去了呀?
- We were asked to make ourselves at home at dinner. 晚餐上主人叫我们不要客气。
- What? Why are you asking me about chloramine? 什么?为什么你问我氯胺?
- Is that so? So how much are you asking? 是吗?那么你们要价多少?